Enjoy The Cool And Refreshing Mango Popsicles

Mango Popsicle-Karth Food Factory
via. Envato

Ice cream is the survival dish for everyone during summer. With its cooling effect and taste, ice cream has won millions of hearts. Popsicle is also the best option for cold food during summers. It is very popular among kids and also among adults. Popsicle is available in many flavours like orange, mango, strawberry, raspberry, lime, choco, and watermelon. So, mango is a seasonal fruit in summer. Why not make mango popsicles today?

Mango Popsicles - Karth Food Factory
Via: Envato

Before jumping to the recipe, let’s know more about popsicles. Do you know how popsicle was invented? The popsicle was accidentally invented by the 11-year-old kid Frank Epperson in the year 1905. He named it “Epsicle” and it became popular with his school friends. Later, he decided to earn money with his invention and started selling ice pops, but he changed its name to popsicle because his children always asked for “pop’s’sicle”.

He signed for the patent and issued the patent for the popsicle on August 19, 1924. Now popsicle is the favourite American snack and popular worldwide.

Make this tasty frozen dessert at home with this mango popsicles recipe.

Per serving contains 252 kcal

  • Carbohydrates: 39 g
  • Protein: 5 g
  • Fat: 6 g


Prepare time: 5 min
Cook: 8 hr
Ready in: 8 hr 5 min


Mangoes - Karth Food Factory
Via: Envato

For Mango Juice

  • 1 cup mango, cubes
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • 1/2 cup water

Other Ingredients

  • 3/4 cup coconut milk
  • 10 grapes, chopped
  • 1 tbsp sugar


Ice-cream Moulds - Karth Food Factory
Via: Envato
  1. In a blender jar, add mango cubes, sugar, and water. Blend well until flowing consistency.
  2. Now, transfer this juice into a popsicle mould. Only fill 3/4 of the mould.
  3. Then, cover and freeze for 30 minutes.
  4. After 30 minutes, take out the mould and add chopped grapes to each mould.
  5. Freeze again for 30 minutes.
  6. Meanwhile, in a bowl, add coconut milk and sugar. Mix well until sugar dissolves completely.
  7. Now, pour this coconut milk mixture into all popsicles mould.
  8. Then, cover and freeze for 8 hours.
  9. After 8 hours, remove all moulds from the freezer and dip them into the warm water for 3 seconds.
  10. Unmould the popsicle and serve it.

The homemade mango popsicles are ready to serve. Enjoy mango popsicle and beat the heat.