Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth With The Special Orange Cake

Sephardic Cuisine Special: The Sweet Tart Orange Cake

Fruits are very healthy and are essential for the human body. One should add fruits to their daily diet. Consuming fruits regularly will make skin and body healthy, eating fruit regularly can be boring sometimes, so what’s the solution to this problem? You can try delicious recipes made from fruits, like an orange cake.

Moreover, adding fruit to your food like juice, shake ice cream, pie, smoothie, pudding, and cakes. Yes, fruits can also be included in cakes. Berries, tangy fruits make cakes more relishing, especially citric fruits, like oranges.

Orange cake is very tasty and is a blend of sweet and tangy, which makes it very refreshing.

via. Envato

Orange cake is originated from Sephardic cuisine, and the Italian orange cake is also very famous; and It is said that Sephardic Jews popularized citrus cultivation and popularized the use of orange in baked goods. It is made with flour, orange juice, and orange zest. Make it with this orange cake recipe.

Per piece of the orange cake consists of 141 kcal.

  • Carbohydrates 17.3g
  • Protein 2.4g
  • Vitamins 415.1 mcg
  • Minerals 44.3mg
  • Fibre 0.2g
  • Fat 7g
Prepare time: 10 min
Cook: 45 min
Ready in: 55 min


via. Envato
  • 1 big orange
  • 2 eggs
  • ½ cup of sugar
  • ¼ cup oil
  • 1 cup refined flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1/4 orange food colour
  • 1 tsp orange zest


Sephardic Cuisine Special: The Sweet Tart Orange Cake
Via: Envato

1. Take one orange and grate it slightly and collect orange zest. Keep aside for future use.

2. In a whisking bowl, add 2 eggs and add sugar, whisk it well.

3. Now add oil and mix it again and then add the juice of 1 orange.

4. In the same bowl, keep a sifter and add flour, baking powder, and sieve well to remove lumps.

5. Mix well with a spatula until the batter thickens.

6. Add lemon zest and orange food color to it and mix it properly.

7. Grease the mold with oil and place parchment paper.

8. Pour the batter into it and tap it 3-4 times to remove air bubbles.

9. Place the mold in the preheated pan.

10. Cook it on low flame for 45 minutes.

11. Or else bake it in a preheated oven at 160*c for 45 minutes.

12. After 45 min take out the mold from the pan or oven and insert a toothpick to check if it is properly cooked.

13. If it comes out clean, then it is ready to serve, and if not, bake it for 10 minutes more.

14. Transfer it to a serving plate and garnish it with lemon zest.

The orange cake is ready to serve with tea or wine.